Creekside Creators


Montreal and Ottawa are such great cities to visit. My mom grew up in Montreal, but unfortunately she wasn’t able to come with us. So, she created the perfect itinerary instead. We of course visited her childhood home, her school, where she and my grandpa went to college. But, we did some tourist stuff too. I’ve included her list of tourist things to do below in case you’re interested in doing a whirlwind tour with kids some day! The only thing I would add to her ideas next time is kayaking the Lachine Rapids and maybe going to Montreal Eaux Vives if I’m ready by then!

Changing of the guards in Ottawa Summer 2018
Ottawa Summer 2018
Me and Alex with Nana and Grandpa visiting Westmount in Montreal Summer 2018
  • Eat at Atwater Market
  • Eat smoke meat sandwich at Schwartz Deli
  • Visit McGill University
  • Visit Mont Royal
  • Ropes course in Old Montreal
  • Other ideas:
Wilderness Tours (drop off Chloe at Keeners)
  • Stay at Wilderness Tours
  • Rafting and resort day
Niagara Falls (Alex goes to Niagara Falls)