Kayaking in Canada

I just got back from Chilliwack, Canada! I was in Canada to learn how to slalom kayak. Slalom kayaking is when you have a long, fast, and narrow boat and you are trying to make it through all the gates without touching or hitting them. Here’s some basic information on Running a Slalom Race. It’s […]
Kids Spartan Race

Every year, my dad works on the Spartan World Championships in Squaw. This year, my brother and I got to do the kids race again. We did it twice. Maybe that was a bit too much because the second time we did it we had to carry a really heavy weight while doing the course. […]
New Kayaking Skills . . .

Since we didn’t go on our usual rafting trip to the Lower Slalom in Idaho, my parents took us to Coloma instead. We kayaked, saw friends, met new kids who kayak, and played board games. I even took kayak lessons with Dan Crandall at Current Adventures. He’s the best roll teacher ever. Anyone can learn […]
Summer Camps

So, this year, I got to join my Ecole Bilingue friends for a week at Camp Ravencliff. I was tired and jet-lagged since I had just gotten home from France, but I loved it! Camp Ravencliff was on the banks of the Eel River. My cabin had no electricity, lots of spiders, and 7 fun […]

My brother and I spent the summer again this year in France visiting our great-grandmother, Grannilou, with our grandparents. In France, we mostly spend time at the beach and go to sailing camps. Here are some photos from our trip. Carnon Carnon beach kids Manon in Pont Saint Esprit Our front deck in Carnon Alex […]
Father’s Day at the East Carson River

Well, the river was really high. And we had never been to the East Fork of the Carson River before. So, my parents didn’t let me kayak. Instead, I got to ducky (inflatable kayak) with my friend Luke. We camped out at wilderness hot springs and went fly fishing. I didn’t catch anything, but we had […]
Truckee Source To Sea!

Thank you Sue Norman, Jay Wild, Danielle Katz, and Jane Weeks for taking me and the other Student Ambassadors on the Truckee River Source to Sea Environmental Learning Adventure. Thank you also to everyone who made a donation to make it possible. Here’s the link to my profile on the Team page, along with the other […]
Spring in Tahoe

It was a busy spring – though it really still seemed like winter. So much snow! Still powder skiing well into spring . . . Me on Siberia Spring Skiing 2017! Yummy Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Recipe . . . My brother and I were at our community garden helping my mom plant tomatoes and cucumbers […]
Come Volunteer

Come join me as a volunteer at the humane society. As a volunteer you will get to hang out with cats, socialize kittens, play with bunnies, pet puppies, and walk dogs. Here’s the link if you want to become a volunteer. http://hstt.org/volunteer. Me, Maddie, and a pile of puppies.
Photo Shoot

Today was a beautiful spring day. My brother and I spent the day with our dad and photographers from The North Face. I got to miss school, ski and get paid! Me, Alex and my dad in Shirley Canyon for a photo shoot Spring 2017 We’ve done photo shoots and videos before. We were in […]